As you may have heard in popular media psychedelics are undergoing a resurgence in the world of psychology, in the form of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.
The relationship between psychedelics and healing has long been an interest of mine. This plant medicine has the potential to unlock some of the mysteries of what it is to be human. At its best, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy offers us way to blend these two healing modalities, taking what is best from each, while overcoming some of the limitations of each..
Note: I Do Not Offer Underground psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.
Do I offer Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy?
The short answer is no, and there are a few reasons for this. One reason is simple: I do not believe underground psychedelic psychotherapy can be practiced safely or ethically in the current - rapidly evolving - context. What is more, for the time being, psychedelic psychotherapy is illegal. My psychotherapeutic work with clients is my life’s work - my vocation - and I am not willing to risk that by engaging in practices that could see me deregistered and unable to work.I recognise this plant-based medicine as powerful and requires more research and experience to be used safely in vulnerable populations. This will take some time, but I do believe we are on our way to making this treatment available accessible and potentially life changing.
Working in the Psychedelic Paradigm without Psychedelics
Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy - as it is emerging in trials around the world - follows a very different healing paradigm to mainstream psychology. Rather than seeking to manage, suppress or simply cope, psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy aims at a deeper healing born of opening up and moving directly toward and through our pain and stuck-ness, in a safe and well-held environment. This way of working depends on a deep trust in the psyche’s own wisdom. One of the mechanisms of the psychedelic itself, is to radically soften defences and temporarily remove obstacles that stand in the way of the psyche’s own “inner-healing intelligence”. I would suggest that psychedelics are just one - very convenient and powerful - way of doing this work.
My Training in PAP
In 2023 I underwent the fundamentals of Psychedelic-assisted Psychotherapy. This training of over 80hrs of content has given me the skills and insight to be part of the movement of ensuring that clinicians are clinical competent in delivering PAP. This training was with the Wild Mind Institute under the tutelage of Sean O'Carroll who is an experienced Psychotherapist in this space I now have a wide network and will be looking out for opportunities to be involved in clinical trials. I am also a member of the Queensland Network of Psychedelic researchers and Clinical Practice. My plan is to expand this network and find opportunities to engage in this very important work.