Covanxiety, the new pandemic

As we come into the third year of Covid being part of our lives and as we come to ‘live with’ all the restrictions that come with that a new pandemic is emerging: Covanxiety.

To be fair it was always with us in some form or another, either as financial or health anxiety. But now it is alive present and in our face. We cannot wish it away anymore or pretend it does not exist. So in this way the pandemic is a gift…. in essence an apocalypse.

when one thinks of an apocalypse it is usual a large catastrophic event. In the Hollywood narrative it mass tidal waves and alien invasions. In the Biblical story it is end of days, the second coming. Apocalypse in the original Greek Meant to peel away. To uncover what is already present and true……. So with that I would like to welcome you to the Apocalypse.

The uncovering of things is usually painful. It reveals the raw wound, unprocessed edge, the space in-between. It makes us vulnerable and the vulnerability makes us scared.

“It is not the thing you fear that you must deal with: it is the mother of the thing you fear”

David Whyte

So how do we deal with this Mother this thing behind the thing. This anxiety ridden part that always wants control but is unware of the truth that no one is ever in control.

Well here are some thoughts:

  • What if in quiet moments you spoke to your anxiety

  • Maybe parent it Gently lovingly

  • At the same time not letting it drive the car

  • Have a conversation with that part of you.

These are some small ideas. Perpetual long term anxiety needs attention and professional help. If you would like to talk about anxiety or any other issue book an appointment today.


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